Sometimes websites are created
very simple using only HTML and maybe some CSS.
However, to get your site more interactively,
and dynamically performing, you'll need to add a server sided
scripting language like PHP into it.
Learn how to embed PHP into HTML and back. Enjoy it.
Turning HTML Into PHP.
HTML is a static website creation language called "Hyper Text Markup Language".
And PHP is a dynamic scripting language use on a server side to create websites and more.
You can easily turn an HTML document into a PHP document. You'll simply have to save the HTML file with an extension .php instead of .html or .htm.
The Benefit Of Using PHP Extension Instead Of HTML.
Using the extension .php will not negatively impact your HTML document. However, it will strengthen its capabilities.
Your document will still be the same when loaded in a browser. The good thing is, you'll be able to include PHP scripts, likewise, HTML elements into it at any time.
Embedding HTML Into PHP Document.
After saving your document with the extension .php, you'll have two ways of embedding HTML into the PHP document.
Option One: [PHP Wrapped Inside HTML Tags].
In this option, the PHP script is completely wrapped inside the HTML body tags. The body tags can also contain some more HTML elements. As long as they stay outside of the PHP syntax:
See Illustration below.
<html> <title>Embedding PHP inside HTML</title> <body> <h1>Option 1</h1> <?php //your php code will be placed here. Make sure you close it like so. ?> <p>After closing PHP, you can add your HTML here, close tags, and another PHP script can follow. </p> <?php //Your next php script may follow... ?> </body> </html>
Option Two: [HTML Wrapped Inside PHP Syntax].
In this option, the HTML is placed inside of the PHP syntax. Using this method you can either use the "Print" or "Echo" statement, or both. [using it separately is preferred].
This is a useful method, usually when writing a short code. Seeing here, the same code structure can contain both the "Echo and Print" statements. However, what you must be aware of is that, their outputs are always placed inside quotations. ["xxx"]
See Illustration below.
<?php echo "<html>"; echo "<title>HTML with PHP</title>"; echo "<b>Option Two</b>"; //your php code will be placed here. Print "<i>\"Print\" could also be comprised in the same structure.</i>"; ?>
Quick Tips.
Including quotation marks as part of your statement. You must always place a backslash before it.
See the illustration below.
<?php print "Say it loud \"I'm black and proud\"" ?>
Also every line of a statement inside your PHP syntax must end with a semicolon. [;]
You may leave out the semicolon if you have only a line script like in the illustrator above.
Video Embedding PHP Into HTML.
You must not be a savvy to understand this tutorial. Just be cool and concentrative, you'll grasp it. Good Luck.
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