Yes!, I seriously recommend you first learn the fundamentals of HTML and CSS before starting website creation.
Let's assume you understands the basics of both CSS and HTML markup language now.
However, creativity is stretching your thinking, and making it hard to get started.
Don't hesitate to use one of the templates listed below for the start. Please read their Licensing agreements, to avoid infringements.
Hey, I've experienced this situation some time ago. I've been through it and quite understands how it feels like.
And this is known as "The beginning of everything is rocky hard". But with the time one gets it easier.
Links |
Descriptions | | Download free web design templates, share yours, and make the internet a brighter place to live. | | Gosh! This is written BIG. Here's where you can get all web templates from Builders to eShop Templates, and all for FREE. | | And, this is their statement. Open Web Design is a community of designers and site owners sharing free web design templates. | | Here, you can find some real cool web templates for free, and some premium ones for sale, as low as 4$. Truly outstanding. | | Steve says, offers free website templates and professional premium web templates. Check it out! | | This site provide free, and premium web templates. And also flash templates for building a successful web business. | | Zymic offers free web hosting, with a level of professional web templates most paid web hosting company could not offer, along with a full range of free hosting features. Just give 'em a try. | | Pagekits offers free web templates in zip format consisting of HTML files, graphics, and Photoshop PSD. | | Download high quality free web templates in HTML, CSS, and PSD formats. | | Checkout web design helper's free web templates in a class, I bet you can't download only one, you will prefer getting 'em all. | | The Template Monster, presents free and premium web templates ranging from HTML to Wordpress themes, plus Facebook Reveal Themes, Flash website templates, Joomla, Dupral, Silverlight[CMS] and many more...*** | | FreeTemplatesOnline.Com, as its name says, you can download powerful web templates for FREE, edit to suit your desire and boom all for you. However, its premium templates are worth their prices too. | | You can also try the 15 days free Interspire BigCommerce, if you are thinking of creating a professional eShop. | | Well, this Photoshop free web templates site is for those who feel comfortable designing with adobe Photoshop PSD files. | | This is for my good friends out there, CSS web Templates for FREE? I personally can't wait to download 'em all. Cool Thang. | | This site contains all sorts of source codes ranging from ASP to XML, give 'em a try. | | allows you to use, modify, or change their templates in any way that you need. However, doesn't allow the copyright to be removed changed or modified in any way. |
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Man will give you worldly powers, and make you feel on top of all, note this is temporally and could be redrawn at anytime sending you back to the ground floor of life. However, the Lord Almighty, the one and the only rightful ruler of the Universe, blesses everlastingly.

Knowledge is Power, but Power is not Knowledge. Wisdom is the truthful Power that identifies the Knowledge within the man. And only, I repeat 3x. Only the almighty God has the power to bless the man with his Wisdom forever.
To achieve the Lord's blessings, cease not praying daily, asking for his Wisdom, and you'll be blessed abundantly...
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