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About GhanaChild.com

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Top Goal.

Positive Direction Always Never Holding On To Negetivities.


Ghanachild.com is a web based tutorial site. We teach our users about Website Creation, Optimization, SEO, Email Marketing and more, plus, all for free.

Give Thanks To The Almighty God.

First of all, I'll give thanks to the almighty God in the name of my crew, for inspiring us doing what we are doing.

we will always praise his name, for giving us so much strength, power, wisdom, and lovely hearts.

Give Thanks To Our Users.

There are different ways everyone approaches things. However, what we know is this, it matters less what one can do, or say. It always takes the minds of many, building a nation.

We hereby again give thanks to all our users for making things possible for us. For backing us up, for putting us to tests, that always makes we learn some more, being able to answer all your questions. We give thanks.

We love you all for that, and we also know there are so many questions than answers. However, we'll be here to give all we can for better.

The Goal.

Ghanachild.com is independently, a free tutorial website. as said earlier we teaches beginners, how to create a website, and also making money on the internet.

Our target here is to help the absolute beginners, that have the interest in making business online. Alternatively, want to represent a sports team, a school or even a group of friends on the internet, achieving their goals.

Learn And Earn.

However, those who can afford, may outsource a webmaster working for them. And those who can afford less, may come along with us.

On the other hand, it's always a good idea, learning how to do things on your own than always going for help, while you can learn.

Since I personally believe in the old man's adage, "knowledge is power," I can't take it, when someone else is lacking the knowledge we can provide.

This made us decided to create this website so the above-mentioned people. And/ or anyone who will find this imperative or practical could use this website learning, and to fulfill their needs. Enjoy all for free, while teaching others along the way.

Enjoy Reggae Music Video.


Man will give you worldly powers, and make you feel on top of all, note this is temporally and could be redrawn at anytime sending you back to the ground floor of life. However, the Lord Almighty, the one and the only rightful ruler of the Universe, blesses everlastingly.


Knowledge is Power, but Power is not Knowledge. Wisdom is the truthful Power that identifies the Knowledge within the man. And only, I repeat 3x. Only the almighty God has the power to bless the man with his Wisdom forever.

To achieve the Lord's blessings, cease not praying daily, asking for his Wisdom, and you'll be blessed abundantly...


Spyera Phone

Spyera Phone version is software that you install on a smart phone to monitor everything happening on the phone. After installation, SPYERA secretly records events (sms, call history, phone book, location, emails, What's App messages, IM, Facebook Chat, Skype, See photos taken and many more...) that happen on the phone and delivers these information to a web account, where you can view these reports 24/7 from any Internet enabled computer or mobile phone. SPYERA also allows you to listen to the surroundings of the target mobile , listen to the phone conversation and to know the location of the device.

Please, Kindly Donate What You Can, Enabling Us Pay Hosting And Domain Costing, And Do More.

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